Anna Lundqvist




“5 out of 5 possible in for MEWE! No lyrics, it’s the voice itself that’s important here. And she does it well. The voice is as an instrument integrated with other instruments included in the quintet. So assured it ever goes. Both in ensemble and when it comes to improvisations with the instruments around…Yes, Anna Lundqvist has clearly shown that the word does not always matter to what’s sung. It is suggestively serious, both vocals and ensemble and that suits me as a listener, where everyone is equally involved.” — Thord Ehnberg

“Anna Lundqvist has written all the tracks, best known as dynamic and melodious contemporary jazz with power. She is together with some formidable musicians, where pianist Fabian Kallerdahl again impresses. Saxophonist Björn Almgren is good together with Lundqvist’s voice. So to return to my prejudices about wordless song, they die before the album is finished. Lundqvist finds a natural way with her musicians and does not become a strained pose.” — Niels Overgård

LIRA magazine

The nYC jazz record

”Anna dissolves all artificial boundaries between technology and the internal power of expression and necessity. She sings with supreme contained and agile voice. She climbs quickly like a weasel in the scales and improvises playful both on the melody and the rhythm. All artificial boundaries between technology and the internal power of expression and necessity.” — Magnus Eriksson

“Anna Lundqvist, who writes surrealistic compositions for her jazz quintet; on Mewe (Prophone), Lundqvist’s wordless singing is just one instrumental line in the eclectic mix of digital and electronic elements. The experimental sound is Lundsqvist’s way of challenging traditions, rules and standards in vocal jazz, she says. Her work just might leave you breathless.” — Suzanne Lorge




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